Sunday, May 5, 2024

Your Most Common Questions About Sports Bras, Answered

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It wasn’t that long ago when sports bras were invented to fulfill a woman’s unique needs while working out. Developed by Lisa Lindahl, a student at the University of Vermont, the sports bra as we know it only came to be in the late 1970s and was created to offer support and protection to a woman’s breasts while jogging. Here are a few common questions about sports bras, answered:

Why is wearing a sports bra important when working out?
Have you ever tried wearing a regular bra to work out?

It wasn’t a pleasant experience, was it? The main function of a sports bra is to offer protection and support when you exercise or do similarly demanding activities. According to a 2018 study performed at Portsmouth University, your breasts can move up to 14 centimeters during exercise if they aren’t supported properly.

That’s because there are no muscles within the breasts. They’re a collection of fat and tissue that are held to the chest by fragile ligaments and skin, neither of which are particularly strong. Specifically, the connective tissue that holds your breasts to your chest is composed of Cooper’s ligaments, which, over time and with age, naturally start to extend. Depending on the type of workouts that you do, these ligaments can stretch up to 2 centimeters.

What happens if you don’t wear a sports bra?
Without the right amount of support, you subject your breasts to a certain amount of force which makes them move more vigorously. Not wearing a sports bra doesn’t just lead to your breasts bouncing more, it can also cause breast pain, soreness, and damage, specifically sagging.

What are the qualities you should look for when shopping for sports bras?
Ample support is the first thing that a good sports bra should be able to give you. Anita Since 1886’s provides sports bras with the highest support in their Anita Active line.

Their collection includes the EXTREME CONTROL sports bra, maximum support, their best-selling high impact sports bra – it’s tailored on the outside and seamless on the inside, and features three-section cups that are further supported from the sides using a clever side sling solution.

Another excellent option from the Anita Active line is the MOMENTUM sports bra. This is yet another sports bra that’s suited for high-impact activities, and features pre-shaped seamless cups that can support a wide range of sizes, up to an H cup. In addition to unmatched support, the Momentum bra is made out of breathable material that helps manage sweat better, making you unstoppable.

Comfort is next. A good sports bra should be comfortable, both in terms of sweat management and how it feels when you put it on.

How do you find the right size for a sports bra?
Measurements for sports bras can vary from both, bra and brand. Your regular bra size can also differ from what your sports bra size should be. Here are a few considerations to keep an eye out for:

– The band of the sports bra should feel firm–but not confining. It should also be completely level around your torso, underneath your breasts.

– The sports bra’s shoulder straps shouldn’t dig into your shoulders. You’ll want them to be able to give a little, but not so much that they’ll fall off your shoulders.

– Your breasts should fill the entire cup of the bra without bulging or spilling out over the top and sides and without any puckering.

– Sports bras should feel tighter and more supportive than regular bras. When trying sports bras on, try jumping up and down and see how much your breasts bounce in them. If you feel excessive bouncing happening, you should consider going down a size.

Anita Active offers sports bras with excellent support, so if you are in need of a high-quality sports bra, be sure to look through their online store!

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