If you intend to carry a pistol, in addition to ensuring that you have the requisite permits from your local jurisdiction (if any are necessary) you should also make sure to utilize a pistol holster that is safe and practical for your purposes.
The first thing you need to ensure is that the pistol holster you choose secures your firearm, is properly sized for it, and completely encloses the trigger guard when the firearm is holstered. That much is a matter of safety.
Then you need to assess whether or not you intended to carry openly or practice concealed carry, in which case you will need to go a step further – do you need a holster for open carry or a concealed carry holster?
Generally speaking, these are the types of pistol holsters available to most gun owners.
● OWB (Outside Waistband)
Outside waistband holsters, as the name suggests, typically attach to your belt and sit outside your waistband at your hip. You can find OWB holsters for right and left handed shooters; it just depends on where you mount them on your body and the orientation of the holster.
While OWB holsters offer quick and easy access to your firearm, they are not usually very practical for concealed carry so most of these types of holsters are used to openly carry a firearm.
● IWB (Inside Waistband)
By contrast to OWB holsters, IWB or inside waistband holsters sit on the inside of your waistband. They are also similarly easy to access and convenient, as OWB holsters are, but they are somewhat more effective at concealed carry.
That being said, they will add inches to your waistline so you will need to wear bigger pants, and your ability to practice concealed carry will be tied to the clothing you wear with them.
● Shoulder Holsters
Shoulder holsters, which are sometimes called cross draw holsters, typically situate the gun underneath one of your arms and contain straps that allow the holster to sit comfortably on your body.
While these are practical for concealed carry, you’ll have to be very careful about what you cover with your muzzle as you draw the firearm; this is a source of controversy which makes shoulder holsters only practical in a set number of environments.
● Pocket Holsters
Pocket handgun holsters are compatible mostly with subcompact and compact pistols and revolvers (typically hammerless models) and sit on the inside of your pocket. If your pockets or pants are big enough, pocket holsters are secure, offer easy access, and are fairly good at eliminating printing, which is ideal for concealed carry.
● Ankle Holsters
Ankle gun holsters are designed typically for smaller handguns and are intended to be carried around your lower leg or ankle. Depending on the pants you wear, they can be practical for concealment, but they are also cumbersome and you need to be constantly cognizant of the fact that you have a handgun attached to your leg.
Whatever holster you’re looking for, the people over at Sarco Inc., can help you make the process of choosing easier. Whether you carry a full-size revolver like a Super Redhawk, a 1911 government, or a S&W M&P Shield, they’ll help you find the holster that’s perfect for your needs.
Check out their collection of pistol holsters online at SarcoInc.com or call them at 610-250-3960 today to learn more.