Friday, May 3, 2024

Benefits of Signing Up for a Cigar Membership

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Anyone who enjoys their cigar stash and likes to reach for a new one fairly often might be familiar already with the idea of a cigar membership. Perhaps you have received offers to sign up for one, or perhaps you are just aware of the ones offered by your favorite cigar shops. In any case, if you consider yourself to be a cigar enthusiast, this is something that you should really give some thought to. Signing up for a cigar membership certainly has its perks, which might be exactly the sorts of things you were looking for.

Reduced Prices
This is probably the most attractive aspect of getting a cigar membership and the aspect that makes people the most eager to retain their membership over time as well. Having a cigar membership comes with the benefit of reduced pricing on products across the board, typically involving a modest percent off of all products without the need for a discount code. You do not have to wait for a sale to get better prices for these cigar products, but you can also enjoy exclusive discounts on occasion whenever the shop offers one to members. This typically happens a few times a year and is always a great time to stock up on your favorites. These are benefits that you would only receive by being a member, so it is great to take advantage of while you can. As a cigar enthusiast, you very likely have your favorites, but still enjoy trying new things and seeing what else is out there, so you are always stocking up on ones you love while trying out new brands. Like any hobby or special interest, it can get somewhat expensive over time to keep up with your passion for cigars and tobacco. So being a member and enjoying these extra discounts when you place an order can be a great help in allowing you to participate in your interest without breaking the bank and going overboard.

First Access to Special Items
Another common benefit of signing up for a cigar membership is that you will get early access to new products or special releases. Often when cigar shops have a limited run of certain cigar brands, they will think of their premium customers first and provide them with early access to these products before making their stock available to the public. You will typically get these alerts through email via special newsletters that are sent to VIP buyers. They are sent out with enough time to give you the chance to think about what you want to buy and also come with bonus information about things like cigar storage, cutting tools, and new brands, which you may find helpful. This is great because it shows that they are considerate of their members and want them to get the chance to try out new products before they sell out. Members get to have first dibs on these special releases, which may be highly limited or seasonal and they do not have to worry about the items they want going out of stock too soon. You do not have to rush in order to get the items you want when the company lets you take your pick first.

If you are a cigar enthusiast and think the benefits above are worthwhile, we definitely suggest looking up some good VIP cigar membership programs from reputable cigar shops. One that we think is a great deal is the one offered by They offer some great perks and have a huge selection of premium cigars at different price points, so you can really make the most out of your membership with them.

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