Saturday, July 27, 2024

Best SEO Trends For Shopify Stores in 2022

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Shopify is a great platform for starting an online store simply because it provides merchants with all the tools they need to jump right into the world of eCommerce. In no time at all you can go from having an empty store to a full-fledged business.

However, that doesn’t mean your potential shoppers will necessarily have an easy time finding your website. For that you will need a little digital marketing, specifically Shopify SEO.

With search engine optimization, trends come and go. What works one year doesn’t necessarily roll over to the next. You’ve likely encountered this in your own business pursuits, whether it’s trends with certain products, the differences with material costs, or how the supply chain has shifted. Change is a part of running any business, but when you’re in eCommerce you really have to stay on your toes.

This is why we’ve put together this handy list of SEO trends that you can follow in order to stay ahead of the curve. If you are serious about starting an SEO campaign for your Shopify website, we highly recommend only performing best practices, as this is what will net you the best results over the long term.

Key Shopify SEO Trends to Pay Attention To
Let’s get down to business. You’re here because you want to know what will work for your website and how to actually get noticed in Google.

Before getting into that, here’s a bit of extra advice. You have to have patience! Even the best SEO doesn’t take effect overnight, as Google has to get to know you. This means you have to be invested in your optimizations and marketing strategy for at least a good 6 months before expecting any kind of substantial result.

That being said, here are some of the most popular SEO trends right now for Shopify stores:

1. SEO is important for any site, but it’s especially important on Shopify stores because they’re automatically indexed by Google and other search engines. If your website has all of the fundamentals down, your new content will have a much higher chance of getting indexed, and will typically get indexed faster than other websites. This is one of the keys to staying ahead.

2. Keyword research will help you find the right keywords to target so that your content ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s all about the keywords. Spend plenty of time deep diving into your industry to uncover low volume, long-tail keywords in your niche and then move up from there as your website gains traction.

3. Make sure to include your keywords throughout the page, using them as anchor text and including them in meta descriptions. You won’t get far if you don’t properly use your keywords. Think of your on-page content as a means of communicating with Google bots and potential customers. The focus keyword for a page should be included in key locations, such as in the H1 title, and in the body copy as well. This goes for blogs on your Shopify website as well!

4. Use long-tail keywords to rank better for specific product searches. Above we mentioned long-tail keywords. This can’t be said enough, if you are selling shoes on your website, don’t pick generic keywords like “women’s boots.” Unless you are a top 10 fashion retailer in the country, you aren’t going to make it with that kind of shallow strategy. Shopify SEO is about finding golden opportunities and making your website more attractive for search engines.

5. Monitor your rankings with tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs. SEO has become something of a science. You have to monitor the data and adapt accordingly. If you are flying blind you won’t know what’s working and what’s not, which is never a recipe for success. Use keyword research tools and SERP analysis apps to gauge your success and change course if necessary.

These trends are only the beginning when it comes to getting your Shopify SEO on track. If you want to really promote your website in the search engines, try getting in touch with a professional Shopify SEO company like Genius eCommerce®. They fully understand what it actually takes to rank, and are always up on the latest trends. Give them a shot if you are an eCommerce merchant looking to get ahead!

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